LEGO® Serious Play

Facilitated workshops for individuals, organisations and teams

What is LEGO® Serious Play?

Lego Serious Play is a facilitated methodology that uses LEGO bricks to encourage creative and collaborative problem-solving. Participants use LEGO® bricks to build physical models of their ideas, then share their insights and perspectives through storytelling. This approach helps to promote deeper discussions and understanding, engagement, and a shared purpose.

As a Certified Facilitator, I offer custom workshops for organisations and teams looking for an effective (and fun!) way to enhance performance through communication, innovation, critical thinking and teamwork.

Why use LEGO® Serious Play?

LSP can be used for a number of outcomes, but the sense of collaboration and full group engagement are constant. Play and fun are guaranteed - but so are serious and tangible outcomes.

  • Get your team ‘leaning in’ (literally!) and building things through hands-on experiential learning.

  • Spark your imagination for innovative ideas and break throughs in complex problem solving.

  • Build communication and culture within teams through shared storytelling, insights and perspectives.

  • Collaborative and non-judgmental environment: The playful nature of encourages open cooperation and mutual support.

  • Inclusiveness - LEGO® bricks are a universal language that can be used by people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds. This helps to promote inclusiveness and diversity in the problem-solving process.

The science of LEGO® Serious Play

LEGO® Serious Play is based on the constructionist theory, which suggests that individuals construct knowledge and meaning through hands-on experiences.

  • When participants build models with their hands, they activate more areas of the brain and engage in multisensory learning, leading to a deeper understanding of concepts.

  • The process of building with LEGO® bricks also allows participants to access their subconscious and think more creatively.

  • This approach creates a safe and non-judgmental environment where participants can freely explore their ideas and perspectives.

  • By giving participants time to think and reflect on their models, LEGO® Serious Play encourages a more thoughtful and intentional approach to problem-solving.


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  • Take a deep personal dive to set your own strategy, mission and start creating your own action plan.

    One off sessions or a series (recommended)


  • Workshops start at 90 mins through to multi day. Tailored to team/organisation and goals.

    If groups are large, additional co-Certified Facilitators can be used for a richer experience.

Who uses LEGO® Serious Play?

For more on LSP check out Michael Fearne, author of ‘The LSP Method’, renowned expert and certified trainer in the LSP method.